I have got a tons of good information from this website and thought it may be time for my contribution. As a full time working professional, I know time is limited for us part-time landlords. But we could still find the quality tenants with minimum efforts if you do it in a systematic way. The following is currently my process after tuning it up for the last three years.
1) Using free google site to create a simple tabbed website, which lists all your business information, application process, application acceptance policy, rental information, application form, pre-application form, FAQ, etc. The website cut down all the talks. Actually no talk is necessary because all the information is out there for them to review any time. I think quality tenants like an informational website. They are busy at working and don't have much time calling around either.
2) On postlets.com, create your rental ads. Postlet ads make your rentals look professional. On the ads, put your website link at multiple places. Postlets will generate a code for your ads. You could plugin that code to your google website so that postlets and your website will be synced all the time. Whenever you make a change to your ads on postlets, it reflects on your website too. On the ads, we mention that we only have open house on Sat and Sun from 2 to 5pm unless they download and fill the pre-application form on our website. We usually have a lockbox on our properties. Once they fill the pre-application form and make an appointment, we will give them the access code once they arrive on the property at the appointment time. We usually change the access code once a week or less.
3) Post your postlets on craiglist. Create more ads at vFlyer, RentLinx, etc. They are all free. But I like postlets ad the best.
4) I use Mrlandlord.com to do the tenant screen. They only charge $10 for screening. I charge $10 non-refundable applicatoin fee per applicant over 18 years old. But on the application form, I say I will reimburse the full application fee during the second month occupany if I accept the application. This way the application fee could cover the screening expense, at the same time not discourage the quality tenants.
5) Take good pictures of your homes. Many times I took more than 50 pictures from different angels and only pick the best ones for the ads. Good tenants like decent-looking houses.
6) Online automatic rent payment is required for all my properties. I use eRentPayment. They charge $3 per transaction. I have nothing but good things to say about their service. With this service, we never need to call our tenants for payments and the rent is always paid on time on the 1st of the month.
7) We always take care of our tenants problems as soon as possible. If a tenant pays rent online, I think he deserves a responsible landlord.
So far my landlord experience is very positive. No single late payment for the last three years.