My Saga continues…. I figured I would update. Not much has changed. We have gone to court twice now.
The first was probate to have her appointed to the estate and so we could file our intent to honor the contract.
The second got turned into a hearing to set a hearing date (ridiculous I know).
So currently we are set for May 29th where we should have a hearing and an answer.
Trying to step back into the real estate game has not been everything I hoped it would be yet. I had a rental about 10 years ago that I eventually sold because I didn’t understand the game. Lessons learned education on going I decided to get back into it with a business mind set. So here we are with this on my first. I keep going over how many other potential properties I could have purchased and had actively bringing cash flow at this point if I’d have let this one go and moved on. Really makes me a bit sick.
The numbers continue to make sense on this it’s just now a matter of how long do I allow the litigation to draw out (still acquiring those attorney fees) before just moving on.
I’ll be over here in LIMBO until May 29th if anybody wants input on contracts that end up in probate before closing