I have noticed that investors are being massively underserved by real estate agents. I am attempting to bridge that disconnect so we can get the service that we deserve.
I find it super interesting to hear what made investors take action and purchase their first investment property. Was there a specific moment that triggered you to decide to go forward and say to yourself “Okay, we need to do this NOW because I can’t deal with X anymore.”?
Also, What were your biggest struggles when it came to finding the right house/realtor? Was their anything in particular that your agent did well or lacked?
If someone created a set of services that solved the disconnect between realtors and investors, what are some things you would absolutely have to see in them? What do you think people really want to see in a service like that?
Thank you in advance for any replies! As I mentioned earlier, I am in the process of crafting a specific service to help agents better serve this community so all of the replies will be of significant value!