@Bryan Hartlen Disputing the value of preservation repairs is an entire chapter of stipulations with back and forth notices and its own set of deadlines and magical referees etc. I am speaking on the fact that you could lose the right to claim any of your preservation repairs or insurance regardless of how many appraisals you have or how extensive your repairs have been. The main take away should be: give the redemption office all the documentation but MOST IMPORTANTLY proof of contact with taxpayers within ten days of receiving the redemption affidavit from taxpayers or none of the other stuff matters.
The judge only cares that you have proof of contact with the taxpayers within 10 days of the date you received this affidavit, which does not explicitly ask for preservation repairs. This proof of contact should be on file with the redemption office well before that ten-day deadline. If not the judge will allow the taxpayer to redeem and your preservation cost or value won't matter because you will have lost all claim to them. I say should because its not written in the law but if they don't have proof of your contact on court records that means it didn't happen. In the end, the taxpayer wants to pay as little as possible. They will lie to Jesus that they never met or spoke with you. Go and redeem their property, then call the police and say you or your tenants broke into their home. At that point, the burden of proof and the $500 plus an hour lawyer is on you. Petitions to Revoke Redemptions are not free or fast.