I recently looked at a place with major water damage (what I'd call major). It was built in the 60s most likely and has new hardwoods he seems to think make it hold its value though it has vanities in bith bedrooms on both sides of the house and the middle has water damage and a hole you can see the outside from when the bottom of the wet panels were lifted so i want to know how much work that would take and given we are new to mobile homes how someone goes about fixing the outside of a mobile home walls. Also the roof has water leaks and the current accepted fix is to put kool seal on it to both reduce cost of power and fix the leak but im skeptical this is all it needs and am thinking the entire roof will need to be sealed with a new roof or roof cap to truly fix it and not just put a bandaid on it for the ceiling and dont know where to start with the walls but the lot is too much of a deal closer not to get it since even a new trailer would be worth it in this lot its just not an option right now. if the costs are going to be more then the acre private lot is worth please let me know.