Hi guys,
Thanks for the warm welcome!
I started in buying and selling homes and smaller apartment units. Currently, I am focusing in on properties with 100+ units, mainly in the Southeastern US (i.e. GA, NC, SC, TN, FL, AL). Eventually, we are looking to expand into retail and office assets. One of our short term goals is to raise private equity in excess of 50 million USD.
Dick, as you can imagine Detroit is an investor’s playground. Detroit’s economy is unlike any other, undiversified and so dependent on the auto industry. Consequently, property values reflect this problem. Truly, what’s going on around the globe has been occurring in Detroit for the last forty years without any media coverage. However, I think Detroit is primed for a tremendous rebound. Our political representatives in partnership with the business community are seeking to diversify our economy to break our dependency on the car industry. In sum, I invite ALL to invest in Detroit…..the new PARADISE!