Sorry if this is a repeat question, but I could not find a match to my specific situation.
I have a rental property halfway between San Francisco and San Jose in the center of the Bay Area (i.e. Silicon Valley). I am considering two strategies. The first is renting out my house to a company that, will in turn, rent it out in a mix of MTR and STR. The way the company works is as follows. For MTR I think they rent out rooms to companies that need to have employees in the area for a month or two. And for STR they use Airbnb and other such things. My other options is traditional LTR to a family or a group of people. In both cases I am only dealing with a tenant on a long term basis. And in both cases, I would be renting the property for the same amount. So I am not capturing any of the upside of the MTR/STR strategy. So the question is not about income, the question is more about hassle, wear on the property, damage and other such things.