@Malcolm James
I struggle with the same thing. I am a new agent pitching deals to investors, who have years in the game, all while trying to grasp the concept of everything (I mean everything, I worked in Supply Chain before). I have had investors laugh at me after they asked about my experience and leave meetings. On the other hand, I have had investors sit down with me and explain deals. I think some forgot that they were once new to this game as well.
What helps me is, I ask a lot of questions ( even if they are found on google) because every investor looks at the same deal differently. Just asking one question can start a conversation, which could grow into relationship/mentorship. I have walked into Networking meetups saying, "I'm new, how did you get started? How did you overcome said obstacle? How do you find deals?" If the investor blows me off because I'm new then that's not someone I want to work with.
The biggest thing is just get out there, get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Your value is you!
Also, I have learned a lot from the posts on bigger pockets. The men and women on here have a lot of knowledge.