So the website suggests that I introduce myself to the community, so this is me introducing myself to the community.
I'd like to start off by saying that I hope everyone passing by has a great day and that I wish you all best of luck on your journey through the life of real estate. What has brought me here is the need for financial freedom. You see.. I'm 24, and im back with living with my parents so that I can get on my feet again (Love you Mom + Dad). I have a baby boy who turned 1 in August, and im going through the hardest times of my life right now.
I'm determined to turn my life around and do everything I can to make sure my son has an amazing future. I grew up with limited resources that I did not take advantage of, not knowing any better because of being a child. And the culture I grew up to being raised in the Bronx, NY has made me strong but lost as to who it is that I am as a person. I found who I am, and I love the man that I am today, but unfortunately things did not work out between my babies mother and myself. Things also did not workout for me and my prior job. I left my apartment for my son and my babies momma because I still want to make sure she has a place to live.
So, onto today. I'm living with my parents fighting depression because I'm stuck in between deciding if I should work two jobs, or go to work and school in hopes to work towards a career I doubt I would have an interest in. I love to learn but feel that school is not for me.
If anyone has read this, and feels they have wisdom they can share with me, then you have no idea how much I would treasure it. Guys, I know little to nothing about real estate truthfully. I went to a 3 day seminar about real estate and the coach said the best way for me to get started is to do "Wholesale". I've seen a bunch of videos on it, and I understand it just a bit but not confident in it at all. I truly wish I had a mentor,someone I can talk to regularly, or hold my hand through the beginning of my journey. I know I can't ask for the world to be perfect and just give me what I ask, but my life is my 24 hour reality and im doing everything I can to change it.
I used to be very prideful, but I will do anything for my son, and I admit that I need help. Is there anyone who can help me out? Id be willing to do "Anything". I'm really serious.
I want to thank you guys for reading if you have made it this far, and I understand that life is not easy for anyone. So I wish you all the best. Thank you, -Angel