@Leo R. @Chris Seveney
Leo I agree with you. Being transparent I’ve been wanting to get into investing for a while and I kept beating myself up cause I made excuses in the past and finally this year decided I’d go in head first. Well these are the mistakes I gotta own and learn from doing that. I know my strategy right now is not what any of you guys would recommend any beginner. But I had to do something to get started or else I’d kept kicking the can down the road, I had to get uncomfortable. It’s not an A property I do have reserves to cover the heloc thank god.
Chris that is great advice. I just went with what my agent said like I mentioned above. I’ve got two exit strategies and one is refinance at a later date and 2 would be to sell the property. And yes I have reserves to cover the short fall. I’ll never forget this mistake in the future.
I appreciate both your inputs guys. I’m learning right now and I was so nervous to post this because i was embarrassed to but I’m glad I did you all gave amazing input.