If you have private money available, you should explore those as preferable options due to terms and upfront coasts as compared to HML options. If they are already investors, they could help you locate / assess deals as well which is a plus as they will want you to be successful to help them be successful.
Getting your financing options in place before you find a deal is always a better route to take. When we were starting out we had a killer deal (two duplexes that were positive from day 1) but it took us a few days to get the financing and guess what, an investor that did not have that problem picked them up and is making a great profit on them. You are heading in the right direction to get the financing options laid out and then find the deal so you can pull the trigger for the right one.
As far as HML options be sure you get all the details before signing anything . . interest rate, payment terms, what if you need to extend, points up front, etc. - comparing one to another with ALL of the details is the only way to make an informed decison.
Good luck.