So here comes this long story , Recently won Auction property , from in Pittsburgh, Reserve not met they called 2 days later and excepted my offer I feel as if I got a good deal. All paperwork has been completed and contract was signed. I placed earnest money deposit and was hoping to close within a few weeks , However township requires a DYE Test before the completion of sale. So I tell the title company no problem I will get it done I personally have never dealt with a DYE Test . So I call the township and find out what needs to be done, blah blah blah . They tell me the seller us ally handles dye test I was told I'd have reimbursement. I call plumber and set appointment, And the title company told me to contact listing agent to gain access,(we will call him Rick) I send multiple emails with no response, Title company sends multiple emails he responds to one email stating he will meet plumber one day later he sends email saying he will not be there because property is occupied title company sends paperwork showing it is not occupied and has not responded for 3 days so I give the listing agent a call, I tell him I need to gain access to complete the dye test. He immediately gets rude with me and says why are you calling me , I represent the seller your not suppose to have any contact with me. Who is your buyers agent have them call me, I don't know why you are contacting me this is not how the process works I've been doing this for 30 yrs tells me he has never received an email from me.(not knowing I needed a buyers agent). So I call my friend and agent whom I have been dealing with for the last couple of years and ask him to give him a call . 2 hours later he calls listing agent and he says he does not know who I am and what property I'm talking about. Either this guy is dillusional or wants to delay sale or has little or no interest in selling this property . Maybe because of low commission I didn't pay a lot for this property, less than 25000. But not sure what to do from here with listing agent from hell. I do know he will never make a penny off me again once this deal closes. I also did some zillow and trulia reviews on this guy and came up with nothing. No sales, No reviews Nothing he has his own realty company . Blank Blank Realty, I would like to put all his business out there just so People Knew But I'm Not Sure Of The Legal Ramifications. Title company asks why do you have a buyers agent, because listing agent told me we can not proceed with out one. They are telling me now we must restructure paperwork , also a week ago seller offer ed 1000$ incentive if I can close by the 26th I just don't see it happening with listing agent. So question is this a breach of contract and what legal Ramifications do I have from here. All I need is a DYE Test .