The best resource I've ever found for how to manage your money while you're young and not try to pinch penny's is
Ignore the name (I know it sounds gimmicky). The first personal finance book I ever picked up was by the owner of this site. It changed the way I look at money. I don't pinch penny's anymore. I just look for big wins, spend money on things I love and cut out the things that cost alot that I don't really care about. For instance, I work from home in IT so we have a single car between my wife and I. No need for 2 payments, tax bills, insurance, etc. We also don't have cable. Just Internet and streaming services. This gives us more money to spend on our primary house, my love of brewing beer, guns, awesome vacations every year, etc. We are also able to save money consistently and pay down bills quickly (for example we paid off $40k in student loans in 2 years). Take a look at the book below. It's an easy read but might get you out of this mind set.