@Steve Milford - How much work is involved to get a RE license and much is it to take the qualifying exams? Keep in mind I'm not pursuing this full-time, (at least for the near future) so I'm curious about the time commitment and the necessity to actually get my own license versus just using my own agent.
@Jeff Schechter@Account Closed - First off, it's nice to know there is someone out there with the same amount of debt and is interested in RE! (Even though student loan debt is a terrible thing). To answer your questions:
1. I'll be at 80k+/year W2, but the caveat is my housing will be completely paid for over the next 18 months (rotational program). This is a double-edged sword as I am required to be apart of their provided housing, which means I cannot take advantage of the 3.5% FHA loan. However, this is one less expense for me.
2. I am definitely open to a partner but I would probably just be able to help via equity. Since my RE experience is essentially zero, I'm not sure that a more senior RE investor would bring me on as I don't bring experience to the table. I'll send you a PM, there's more to this I'd like to discuss with you.
Thank you for the advice everyone!