I graduated with a degree in physics and I honestly look back at college now as a huge waste of time and money. You're going to spend most of your time taking elective classes for the first 2 years and even after that, the information you're getting is something you could acquire on your own. For example, I remember in high-school and university taking years of Spanish and when I left university I couldn't even understand a native person talking to me. Then, years later, I decided to pick it up and in 8-12 months I was communicating regularly with native speakers. I also now work as a software developer, something else I taught myself through self-guided courses. When I look at what they are learning in universities with software development it's sometimes decades behind.
I can't speak for the field you're interested in but for most fields university is just something you do so you're not disqualified on job applications. It has prestige in people's minds but that's an antiquated view of education.
All I'm saying is just know you have both options and don't feel like not-having a degree is somehow failing.