@Charlie MacPherson Thanks for the Mattapan suggestion I'll definitely take a look in the area. How much of a gamble to do suppose these investments would be? Do you think a south shore unit is a safer bet? Thanks again for taking the time to respond.
@Anthony Torres Long distance isn't really what we were thinking, it's hard to force appreciation long distance. With my girlfriend being an architect I feel we are in a unique sitation to renovate very well and really make gains that way. That being said, I'll definitely look into this!
Thanks for the info @Zac Ballin, I'll definitely be pounding the pavement before I decide where to buy. If we do decide to stay here I'll probably still spend at least 6 - 8 months just walking around those areas of Boston to get a feel for the neighborhoods. I'll keep my eye on Dudley.
@Kate Ziegler, that's great info! Glad to know it can be done, even if it's not easy. When you bought your Multi on the FHA did you need a 3 - 6 month cash reserve after closing in order to qualify? The mortgage guy I spoke with mentioned this may be the case, but he didn't seem 100 percent on that. I might just message you to ask more questions about these neighborhoods in the future.
Thanks again everyone for taking the time to respond!