Bought the house for: 230,000
Repairs and upgrades: 30,000
Downpayment: 45,000
Rents for 1,700$
As Is:
Cost to own
100$ Insurance
250$ electricIty paid by tenants
754$ mortgage and Interest
(Interest rate 2.75)
total cost: 1079$
positive cash flow: 621$
ARV: 300,000
so what I would lIke to do Is refInance the proprety
Forced equity: 75,000
Total equIty: 115,000
NEW Loan: 300,000
20% of 300,000 is 60,000
So I’d leave 60,000 in the proprety and use the 55,000 to buy another proprety.
250$ taxes
100$ insurance
250$ electricity paid by tenant
978$ mortgage and interest
total cost 1328$
372 positive cash flow
The property in my opinion more than covers the cost of ownership.
Unfortunately my mortgage broker tells me it will be hard to
The bank will want to include the cost of heating and will only consider 50% of the revenues.
Which means that it will look like I’m almost just breaking even and I am only making 850$ a month.
I want to be a long term buy and hold investor but it seems like my money is stuck in the home and can’t be recycled in order to buy another property.
Is it worth just selling for
the 40k profit? (40k-7k in fees = 33k) then taxes at 50% capital gains on that 33k =~15k in my pocket.
I’d put rather leverage my untaxed earnings (40k) than be stuck with only my taxed earning (15k) to reinvest.