I would first say take an inventory of your whole process from financing to ending a relationship with a tenant. You want to find what exactly is bothering you as accurately as possible, then ask if you have the skill to make it better or do you have the tenacity to fix it through gaining the knowledge or farming that pain out to someone else.
Now you can weigh the pros and cons Ben Franklin style. I always try to keep in mind that growth is painful and I remind myself that I've been there before. For example, going to college, first job, getting married, having children, HELL changing careers at age 50, and obtaining a master's degree.
I have a 6 flat and 3 tenants at the same time are being evicted. My cash flow is gone and easily half my profit for the year is gone and it's only February. This is one of those times where I can say I hate real estate too, but I'm going to evict them, fix whatever, and get back to the profit I had when everyone was paying, but I'm going to go with all Section 8 tenants this time and visit the current home of prospective tenants and not ignore my gut.
I have no choice but to succeed, at my age, I'm never going to have $1MM to invest to only pull out $40,000, the 4% rule, but I can take $80,000 to make that $40,000 using leverage in a C area. The bottom line, if you're going to run at least know exactly what you're running from and just make an informed decision. Be blessed.