So I've been wanting to do real estate since I was 17 but at that age it was just thoughts I never actually acted on until age 24 I made a bit of money I had about 20k cash saved up but I was stupid with it and went on vacation to Florida and then while I was in Florida I wanted to see if I could buy a mobile home I could easily rent or flip but when I gave my bf the idea he went nuts and asked if I was here for vacation or for business. At that point I just decided to just do vacation even though I was dying inside I bit my tongue for his sake. At the end of our trip we ended up getting into the worst kind of things that eat your money TIMESHARE!!! I really never wanted that but the sweet talker wooshed is into it $26000 my bf then told me that if we can do this we cAn get a house together so I signed the paperwork. Ten days later on the dot I called the company I told them I didn't want the stupid timeshare they told me I'd have to write a teller and send it to them, then they said I could get a cheaper one I took it $8000 that's how much it was, 6 months later they send me paperwork saying I have sign to own the time share I never signed it anyway I want nothing to do with that type of thing. Owning properties is where I want to be and that's it. So now I'm clear of that I have all my money tied up to cars right now about $13000 I sell and buy cars but I'm waiting to get at least $20k I'm my pocket before I try to find any sort of property. Do you think 20k is enough to get started in this business I really can't get a loan I have bad credit right now IDk what I should do because my bf really don't seem to be on board with me in this at all he thinks we are going to lose everything and that we won't make any money. But I go through Craigslist mls zillow I see there are auctions I've already visited over 30 homes when I was with my ex boyfriend so I know a little about the market because I've been watching it very close and I'm missing deals I mean if I had the money in my hand I'd scoop one up in a second. Any advice on what I should do?