We have over 100 LLC's, including SPE's (single purpose entities), holding entities, operating entities, acquisition entities, drop and swap entities, JV entities, LP entities, GP Management entities, etc.
I wouldn't get too hung up on a name, but it can be fun. You can always use a DBA for branding.
Our typical acquisition structure looks like this:
*Not legal or financial advice, consult your own legal and financial advisors"
Place property under contract with our acquisition entity "Gray Capital Acquisitions LLC."
Form "drop and swap" entity that will hold title to the asset "Name of Apartments LLC"
Form JV entity that LP/investors will become member of "Name of Apartment Holdings LLC"
Form GP/management entity "Name of Apartment Management LLC"
Then my personal holding company (not a SPE) "Holding Company LLC" will be a member of the JV and Management entities.
Our operating entity entity (S-corp) "Gray Capital Enterprises LLC" receives management and other fees from the project.
Thanks @spencer.
One of what seems the cleanest suggestions I came across. Will consult with my lawyer and CPA. Follow-up question: Is the personal holding company the same as the operating entity?