Wow, thanks for all the great feedback!! Let me fill you in on a couple things...
1. Vacancy rate...I don't know what it is in this area and actually I'm not sure how I would find that out. Any suggestions?? And say I use a 20% vacancy do I calculate that?? I guess I don't understand how to add that in. Sorry.
2. I totally forgot to add in snow and lawn care. I guess I didn't think of that and maybe assumed the PM was to take care of that! Oops. I'll find out what that is but $1,500 sounds accurate.
3. The garbage is an actual quote I received from the city. They estimated it for me on the 6 unit. I should double check that then if everyone thinks it's low. Thank you!!
I'm scheduling to go see the units this week too with a contractor. I'll have a better idea for repairs.
As far as comps in the area, as far as I've seen, they range from 84,000-200,000 so it's hard to say, I ran one set with the wrong square footage number. I need to do it again on top of fixing these numbers. When I get that number, I guess I could base my purchase price on the repairs needed (including meter conversion). I'm really thinking I'm going to offer a really low price if I even want to get into this deal because of the repairs needed on the outside along with the meter issue.