Welcome AggieInvestor!
I am in the Houston area - Looks like we are neighbors.
You are in the right place to learn about this type of business. Read as much as you can and soak everything up here. This site has a lot to offer.
Right now houses are staying on the market an avg. 6 months. Some areas more, some areas less. Of course this can be shifted based on your price, marketing, etc.
Houston has some areas that are being redeveloped, and other areas that are growing.
The Heights & Bellaire are being redeveloped. Bellaire is having homes taken down to put up bigger ones. The Heights has older homes that are being remodeled.
Cypress, Katy, and Pearland are all growing areas of Houston. These areas are moving "out" of town. You can find deals in these areas from $40k - $400k. It all depends on what you're looking for.
There are people who are flipping in Houston right now. Some realtors here will tell you that doesn't exist. Move on and find another one.
For hard money, I would recommended ISB capital. They have a great reputation around town, and with other investors alike.
If you have any other questions you can send me a message.
Good luck