I'm hearing differing opinions from realtors/investors. Nashville's DOM are about 50 right now. Used to be 14. Lots of inventory that buyers are selecting from, hard to get them to choose your house.
Is it better practice to stick to your guns, price at comps, and let it sell in 3 months? Or price aggressively and get it sold right away to take advantage of the initial hype?
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I heard an analogy yesterday from an agent. He said imagine in front of you is a white sheet of paper. On that paper are hundreds of horizontal lines. Some lines start before the paper and end on it. Some start on it, and end on it. Some start on it and end after. The paper is your listing, and the lines are buyers. When you first list the house, all those lines that started to the left of the paper are the motivated buyers, looking for the right house for a while, and ready to move. But after that first 2 or 3 weeks, they either bought yours or didn't. And from then on, all the buyers coming to see the house are new, tire kickers, feeling it out, etc.
So his point was get that thing sold right away. He's a flat rate broker so he gets paid on the front end whether house sells or not, so that helps his advice to not be as biased.
But other realtors tell me you'll get full price or close to it at comps pricing, you just have to wait.