I don't know which drug is worse for you guys, whatever it is you're smoking or listening to an uninformed lying POS like Limbaugh.
Let's just look at the FACTS;
April 20, oil rig explodes/catches fire about 10:00PM
April 21, (not 12 days, but the next day) after a meeting between Obama and the secretaries of Homeland Security (Coast Guard), Inerior (minerals extraction) EPA and FEMA, several secretaries and/or their deputies headed to NO as well as 4 Coast Guard oufits. The CG started S&R operations that day as was reported by BP and reported on several media outlets.
April 23rd, CG and Interior announced that they were focused on mitigating the damage from the leak, but that neither they nor BP saw any release of subsurface oil.
April 25th, CG implements containment, hampered by high winds, rough seas.
April 28th, skimming operations resumed after seas calmed. On the same date CG reported that the release was much worse than BP had led them to believe.
April 29th, BP official said, "we can handle this" and HS Secretary called the spill one of "national significance".
I realize that Rush is incapable of telling the difference between LESS THAN 24 HOURS, and "12 days", but overuse of drugs and his hatred of Obama can cause that.
Easy enough to find the FACTS, if you're interested in looking. Of course if you just want to bash Obama then nothing I, nor anyone else can say will prevent you from spreading the same BS that Rush and Fox do all day long.