Thanks guys. You all made excellent points. I've been around the block with the guy who gave me the list. He's my mentor and worked with me through a pretty crappy non-transaction just to prove a point to me.
We went around in circles with some note brokers who kept asking for POFs. I contacted them. I put them on a conf call with my mentor, we got a couple tapes but they were all sanitized. The brokers wouldn't send us unsanitized tapes without POF and NCND with photo IDs attached.
My mentor kept telling me, "Brokers are a waste of time. They make you jump through hoops. When I talk to the bank, they NEVER ask me for POF." He kept telling me and my brain just couldn't make it work. I even went so far as to tell him that it was a good idea to give the brokers POF just to move the transaction along. And he refused.
He gave me the list, told me to go over the program again, use my brain, and call the banks and get him some tapes and he would take care of the rest. And that's where I am right now.
He doesn't need me to work with him. He gets calls from banks all the time and they just give him unsanitized tapes because he's performed with them in the past. I'm a student of his and he's willing to work with me and cut me in on the action, but only if I can get him unsanitized tapes directly from the bank.
Having said all that.
Steve - I expect them to ask for that and with Greg's approach I probably won't need it.
Paul - you are a true gentleman and a professional. Based on your experience, do you think Greg's approach would be successful? Please keep in mind that I got the list about 60 days ago. Your reply to Justin about capital requirements and auctions is spot-on. I can get another list if you think the one that's 60 days old no longer fits that criteria. But I really want to know how to get past the POF, get the tapes, and get them to my guy.
Thanks again everyone.