My name is Alfonso, I am from the Los Angeles area, and I am here to learn how to wholesale, part-time 1-2 deals per month, with an emphasis on NOD's/motivated sellers. As I am reading the rules, I can't ask for a mentor to take me under his or her wing. Bummer. Maybe I can phrase the question to be where do you recommend I can find one outside of this site? As for everyone else, I look forward to getting to know you, and as time passes, I hope to be a valuable resource to you. Furthermore, I am reading the free e-book, watching/listening to podcasts during my morning commute to work, and will be buying the e-books offered on this site. I plan to execute a full campaign by the end of this year and hopefully secure my first investment deal. My freedom number for right now is 3k per month, but as I become seasoned, I want to have 8-10k in passive income before I retire, and my hopes are to create a Living Trust for my nephew and nice.
Thank you in advance,