Here are the numbers for the property:
Monthly Income: $900.00
Monthly Expenses: $961.09
Monthly Cash Flow: -$61.09
Pro Forma Cap Rate: 3.54%
NOI: $2,016.00
Total Cash Needed: $16,225.00
Cash on Cash ROI: -4.52%
Purchase Cap Rate: 3.54%
Property Information
Purchase Price: $56,900.00
Purchase Closing Costs: $2,000.00
Estimated Repair Costs: $0.00
Total Cost of Project: $58,900.00
After Repair Value $56,900.00
Down Payment: $14,225.00
Loan Amount: $42,675.00
Loan Points: $0.00
Loan Fees: $0.00
Amortized Over: 30 years
Loan Interest Rate: 5.000%
Monthly P&I: $229.09
Vacancy $54.00 (6%)
Repairs $90.00 (10%)
CapEx $198.00 (22%)
Insurance $100.00 (11%)
Management $90.00 (10%)
P&I $229.09 (25%)
Property Taxes $200.00 (22%)
Total $961.09 (107%)
Financial Projections
Total Initial Equity: $14,225.00
Gross Rent Multiplier: 5.27
Income-Expense Ratio (2% Rule): 1.53%
50% Rule Cash Flow Estimates
Total Monthly Income: $900.00 x50% for Expenses: $450.00
Monthly Payment/Interest Payment: $229.09
Total Monthly Cashflow using 50% Rule: $220.91