Hello All,
My name is Alex, I'm 18, and I'm in a huge dilemma and I figured I'd ask the community what to do.
My whole time through High School I was taking business courses, from accounting to international business. And going into college I was planning on majoring somewhere in business, in fact real estate was one of my top choices. But suddenly I chose to go into engineering instead for some reason, and after my first semester I regretted my choice but now I'm not sure if I'm in to deep now. To be honest, risk scares me and that's the reason why I chose engineering. I don't hate the major, but I feel like I can accomplish so much more in an area such as real estate. And after a long semester of work that was so uninteresting to me, I'm not sure if I should chase my dreams now. The thing is, if I do pursue this I think it'd be best for me to defer for the next semester and dedicate all of my time to studying and diving into real estate. Especially with COVID going around and the state that college classes are in (being online), I'm not sure if paying for another semester is really worth it. And if it ends up going no where, I can just go back to college next year.
I've read a lot into wholesaling real estate and currently it's where I think I should begin, if I were to go with this. I was just looking to the community for advice.
Should I really consider leaving school and working hard the next 6 months to see where I go?
Is wholesaling a good place to start? If not what would you recommend?
Where should I look to connect with people who can help me?
Are there any guides or courses that are actually worth the money?
How should I introduce myself to possible people who can help me?
If you were in a similar situation as me, what did you do and how did it turn out?
Sorry if I'm coming out as annoying or confusing with all of this, but I'm really in need of some guidance and input from anyone. I've been stressed with all of this, but I know someone on here can help. If y'all wanna ask me anything feel free as well! I probably left some important info out. Thank you for anyone who chooses to leave some input!