Originally posted by @Account Closed:
Well, you could certainly have roommates, so...keep a room that's yours?
I should clarify the situation that I have in mind. I have a girlfriend of 7 years. While we're not married yet, though we plan on marriage. Our goal is to take advantage of our current standing as separate individuals not legally bound to one another and put FHA 3.5% minimum down-payments on an owner-occ 4flat with title held by myself, and a separate owner-occ 4flat with title held by her, so that we can have a start on investing in properties with less overall capital, rather than buying a single FHA 3.5% 4flat and then having to come up with enough capital for a 20%+ downpayment on an investment property. 3.5% of $300,000 is a down payment of $10,500 which is a lot less than 25% of $300,000 for example, which would be a $75,000 down payment.
We would be living together in one of the 4flats. One of the flats would be denoted as her primary residency for all intensive legal purposes, but she wouldn't truly be setting up camp in there. Thusly so, that would mean that in one of the 4flats, the intended owner-occ unit would be essentially useless to us for occupancy purposes. The tenancy/rent would obviously pay off the PITI, and that leaves us with an empty unit that cannot be designated as the legal residency of another persons.
We could use it as a storage area or something like that, but I was thinking if there was anything that can be done within legal limits with an owner-occ unit, such as airbnb, since in airbnb people will "rent" out their primary residencies.