Dory, our experience has been quite positive. Our recidivism rate is 50%. That means that 1/2 of the tenants we have go on to optaining their own private apartments and don't need a shared transitional living arrangment any longer. We only take non-violent offenders, and we screen them pretty heavely for work experience and their potential ability to find work quickly.
Haven't yet heard of Catherine Rohr, so looking forward to finding out more about her program.
We don't offer any additional services or programs for tenants. And our Dept of Corrections like it that way. We're just teh landlords.
Check out our "free report" offer on our web site.
It provides quite a bit of insight into our experiences here in Colorado.
I certainly applaud you for wanting to offer programming/counceling etc...
They certainly need that. There are many faith based orginizations here in Denver that provide those services for us. If the tenant wants to take advantage of them.
I'm trying to get Joshua to move my group forum "Felon Friendly Landlords" to the Landlord and Tenant Forums.
Keep coming back, and I'll do my best to keep up with this forum I started.
Thanks for your input. Alf..