thanks everyone for all the good feedback! My parents are very supportive, I don't dislike living with them...I dislike the hour to hour and a half commute to work each morning and the same, if not longer, at night.
I have budgeted to pay off all credit cards by the end of this year, but I hadn't thought of being added to my parents card, that could be an option.
Renting in the Dallas market is so fickle. they have tons of nice apartments, but they're all hoovering around $800-$1000, and the ones I would love to live in are $1300ish. I can afford it, but I just feel like throwing that much money away each month is crazy. Since I am young I feel like I can afford to be risky, to an extent, with my investments without having dire consequences on my retirement. If everything goes as planned, I could start building a good retirement portfolio straight out of the gate from college.
I have a friend who's lease ends next march that may go in with me to co-buy a property and then I could be his "tenant". that could be a creative way to start getting into the business.
I just have to stay focused. I have days were I want to just bite the bullet and say "screw investing, I want to live in this nice apartment like some of my friends" and then throw down the crazy money...but I know that would be foolish.