I will like to thank you all for welcoming me in this community & giving me hope due to my situation !
@Robert Syfert , There is a good chance that i will invest in Detroit due to the amount i have in the bank, Detroit could be a good choice. I will probably contact you via private message during the week for more information about the city, and neighborhood to chose, aswell as property management.
@Johnathan Alesso Thank you for this huge answer ! I do agree with you 100%. I do not want to work at 65+, which is exactly why i've chosen to stay in america and try to save as much as possible to start in real estate. Concerning the cost of living, i think it depends the cities, i leave in whittier, close to los angeles and prices are extrendamous, way more than in the south of France, or Italy. The US tho is by far, a way better place for investments, especially real estate, the law is good for investors, and the return is much higher than most countries , if not the best country for real estate. I actually heard about mr money mustache, he is the reason why i desire to retire in my 30's, my goal is actually 35 ( so i have 12 years to accomplish that goal haha).
I also started to invest in dividends paying stocks with some apps. I'm still learning but i try to diversify stocks income even tho i don't have much to invest, the return is still better than the money sleeping at the bank haha
I will discuss with you in more details by private message :)
@Brent Maxwell Thank you, i hope to find good people that i can trust via bigger pocket to help me find a good team in the case i invest over there.
@Chinmay J. I totally understand your point of view on this. As i said, the vacation time difference is a statement, and the culture is different. I guess in France, people in general prefer to earn less but to get more personal time ( shorter weeks, vacation spend with children, more time for the wife ect). French don't really try to work for themselves, because it has a costs, and people prefer to work for someone else, so they don't have to take any risks. Myself i'm a risk taker, it's why i'm here. I don't judge people who like to be safe, because i totally understand. I do not think tho that the vacation time has something to do with the bad economy. I think the bad economy is due to the euro, that makes french products more expensive and more difficult to trade. Plus, the country doesn't really help investors and entrepreneurs that are by definition the ones innovating and creating the economy. Taxes are high when you employ people, plus it is really difficult to lay off workers, so some companies are afraid to employ, so the production is much slower, the unemployment rate higher, and power of consumption lower. Wells thats my point of view, im not an expert, so i won't debate on this.
I Don't think i sound like a " pitiful depressed housewife " , i just introduced myself to the community and tried to explain to you my background,what i want for the future and why i want to invest here to go back and live over there in the future...
I do know that with a better paying job i will be able to save more, it is logical, exept i didn't find any long term job that were that better. As i said i live in my dads house, so i had to find a job around, i could find other jobs further but i will have to rent, income - rent = same or worse, i already calculate that, it's the only reason why i keep the 14$ per hour job haha Plus my job is only 10 to 15 mins from my dads house depending on the traffic.
Don't worry i eat to the restaurant some time to time, but not too often. I actually think that my life is in order, and pretty stable... but thank you, i will get a look to #200 josh and brandon did 20 steps for real estate investors" it sounds interesting !
@Russell Brazil I'm happy to see someone who understands my difficulties haha
At first it was hard, then it got easy to save up some money , i just cut all the expenses that were not necessary. For exemple i see that nice jacket, some part of me wants it, the other part says that even if a buy it i will wear it one time, and then put it on the side. Same for little gadgets on ebay, unnecessary food like cakes, 7-11 Vanilla french coffee ect. I still buy some time to time, but drastically cut off. Instead i invest it in the stock market, investing / real estate books, workout equipment, camping gears ( i just love camping and hiking). I still have aguilty pleasure tho, red wine from traders joes haha
@Lee Ripma Thank you for your advice ! I agree, it's better to be Rich in america than in europe !! Also i'm looking to invest outside of california for several reasons. The first reason is the price, the second is the cap rate that is much higher in other states than around L.A...
Will i need to do studies in relation with Real Estate to do this kind of job ? If you have any company in mind, feel free to tell me in private message so i can get a look.
@David D Painter Your story is really interesting, it is exactly what i want to do !!! Buy a house, keep the income from it in an account, re invest it in another house, and repeat till i'm doing great. Well even if i "retire" i would still be able to continue as a hobby haha
I just hope to have a very good deal as first investment, to help me support the rest, i can not count on my salary income, but buy cutting expenses, i think i will be able to do something. I would like to buy as young as possible, so i will be able to pay the mortgage as soon as possible ( hopefully).
To finish i will like to thank everyone of you, who took the time to encourage & motivate me. I know that i want to do this more than ever ! After some hard work, i would love to be able to say one day that i've succeeded and that i will be able to build a family that won't need to worry about not eating well , having a place to sleep or to afford any hospitalisation / medicine in case of a problem.
If you have any site or youtube videos to show me that can help on my project, i would love you to send me links by email. I love learning new things. After all, the best investment is in knowledge :)