I'll preface this to say that there are some people who should absolutely hire a PM however at this point in life I'm not one of them. We all have finite amounts of time and money and it is up to each of us to determine what we have an excess of to trade one for the other. I have 6 houses and rarely get a call. Of the ones I do get very few of them need immediate responses but the ones that do tend to be HVAC or plumbing and are solved with another call or 2. My biggest issue with a PM though is for me the real or perceived conflict of interest. I understand that a PM is a low margin high volume business but I don't want to turn my assets over to someone who has a financial interest that differs from mine. Take for instance finding a tenant, they are trying to fill several vacancies at a time and for each vacancy I am going to be charged between 1/2-1 month of rent on top of the vacancy. Vacancy is expensive so I'm looking for longer term tenants but if they are getting paid off of it there is an incentive for churn and even when there isn't there is a lease up fee of 1/4-1/2 of a month rent for an e-signature and hopefully walkthrough if the landlord is lucky. Now we have our tenant great, rents are coming in and we hand over 8-10% for the pm to manage and everything is great until it isn't. If they make a mistake and select the wrong tenant and I'm on the hook for the lost income during the eviction, stuck paying a new lease fee, and if the tenant is late they get to keep the fee. Some of them even get to keep the pet fee which makes 0 sense since the animal is no extra work for them but additional wear and tear on my property and I could argue allowing pets opens the tenant pool making it easier for them to fill. I paid for their expertise and professional selection however am at financial risk if they are wrong and have much more at stake since they are going to have some kind of hold harmless in the management agreement. Let's assume though that this time they picked the right long term tenant and everything is going well, go me. Everything in our property has a useful life though and when a repair is needed most are going to upcharge the repair for their time. Not sure what that 8-10% is for a month but this is not it. They have preferred venders which sounds great and hopefully can be trusted but may just be down for a good kickback and while the easiest, may not be the best or cheapest. With the repairs you typically have to approve of larger ones but for smaller ones which are relatively inexpensive for an individual they have to pay someone to do them which increases costs and with the upcharge there is little incentive to push back on nonsense charges and for many you won't get a say. It is easier to appease the high maintenance tenant so that they stop bothering the PM on someone else's dime than set boundaries. Some even have an in-house maintenance team which sounds nice having people always on call but that just makes greasing the wheel even easier for them. Even if all of these aren't issues today employees and management changes so you have to stay on top of them and manage the PM to ensure you are getting the services you are paying for and not being taken advantage of so you are never truly passive.
All of that was just a long-winded way of answering your question with the answer that some people have trust issues and don't trust someone else to care about them or their assets as much as they do. This isn't to say all PM's are bad or that anyone can self manage. Just as there are some PM's you should avoid as a PM you are probably aware that not every client is a good one and I feel I would be too high maintenance and have unrealistic expectations. Thank you all for reading my rant and for those of you good PM's out there thank you for what you do for those of us who can't.