For my properties that I own an manage I will say this. If they meet the income, work history, rental history, and criminal background requirements than they can ask all the questions they want. It gives you the landlord the opportunity to reinforce what is written in your lease as to who is responsible for what. This "should" eliminate most phone calls.
When the lease is singed I physically walk the property and explain what is what and what they need to do.
If a cabinet knob is loose, get a screwdriver and tighten it.
The door squeaks? Buy some WD40.
Oh you rammed the garbage can into the garage door sensor and know it doesn't open? Call the garage door repair man.
The toilets overflowing because you flushed too much paper? Turn off this knob to stop the water and unclog it with this plunger. If water keeps flowing go outside and turn off this knob. If that doesn't work call me immediately.
You see this wire coming out of the HVAC? Don't hit it with the weed whacker.
This stove top is for residential pots and pans, not 30 gallon commercial boiling pots.
Everything I cover is in the lease and specifically covered. I am continually adding items for future leases as well. Newest is swarming bees in the neighbors bushes.