Originally posted by Jon Fed:
We can afford the payments w my W2, but barely have anything left to pay extra after everyday living expenses.
@Jon Fed not to get all up in your business (but you did post it for advice), but from what I read above, are you the only one working? If so, and there's not some sort of medical reason for your wife to not be working, I suggest you try to cut your spending where you can, and she gets a job of some sort. Even if it's minimum wage and she brings home $200 a week, that's still an extra $800 toward the debt without putting your mom's house at risk.
You have to look at what you stand to lose if something happens and payments are missed. If you don't pay a credit card, there are limits to what they can come after you for. If you don't pay the loan on the house, your mom loses the home.
Also, if you're not familiar, look into Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover. I don't agree with some of what he says, but his "debt snowball" makes some sense. He'd have you eating rice and beans and putting budgeted cash into envelopes, but it's up to you how deep you want to go with it.
Hard for anybody to give you solid advice without knowing your situation fully, but I think all can agree that your proposed plan comes with too much risk for your mother.