Ben, you take critiques very poorly, so now you want to deflect the critique on your boot camp on my writing "Your reading is not the problem - can't say the same for Amanda's writing."
Okay, since we are discussing writing Ben, lets look closely on your Boot Camp Guide. It's filled with pages and pages of fill in the blanks (answers below the page), big letter fonts, double if not triple space, some more spacing than can be described, some have no answers to be filled, some ridiculous geometry for graphics, no back pages, a glossary in the end of the book, it was just meant to look big or thick. You claim you are the "best teacher", best teacher of what? Fill in the blanks? At least Ben I have no claim to writing a book, being a lawyer, and a guru. But you Ben, with so much credentials can do a better job for the amount of money you charge. People drive for miles on end, fly, spend for accommodations and you give them a fill in the blanks book as their guide for the Boot camp. Surely Ben, this does not smell like a rip off right?
Ben you disappoint me, for a lawyer you can at least come up with a better product for the buck. But fill in the blanks with big fonts and multiple spacing is not reflective of a well thought out book. For the price Ben, honestly, it wasn't worth it. Come now, at least I don't charge for my poor writing in BP. You charge for your horrible book and misuse of attendees time by constantly pitching your big buck mentoring.
As for me being there, I was there. There were no rules stating that when an original registrant could not make it then substitution is not allowed.
As for your mentoring Ben, really can you kindly tell the truth that it did come in several tiers.
As to your education , you did not mentioned $60,000 as you want everyone to believe I misconstrued you, having said that you did mention that your lifetime teacher is Marco Kozlowski.
Ben if you want to pick a fight because you are bitter about the critique , all I can say is Ben grow-up.