Yes!!!...Lets pay for the rest of the world to reduce their emissions. And foot the bill for our own as well.
That way we can all link arms and sing kumbaya as we toil away in the fields of our calorie based economy (that means that food will be in major shortage) in the next 20 years. This is insane.
I confess that I am not the most educated writer on the topic, but we are already not able to compete with the low labor costs of competing nations labor pools due to lower standards of living. Lets heap on regulations so that we cant compete in the near to medium term.
That way our standard of living can move down to equilibrium with the competition and all can compete on an even playing field. They work 12 hour days for 10 cents an hour, and are happy to do so. Anthing less is labelled "lazy". Yes I am in total favor of paying for their factories to pollute the environment less so that they can continue to take jobs away from our economy.
Please forgive the sarcasm, but I am just a bit fed up. I hate enviromental damage and believe we should avoid it, but come on. Unless we ALL do it (globally) and foot the bill for it on our own, this will cause major economic problems.