Looking for advice/strategy from like-minded, anti-risk, I want to maximize cash flow type folks. I'm 43. Wife and I are maxing out retirement accounts. Everything going through my mind is around securing our income during retirement and leaving some sort of inheritance to my children. I've got one LTR property that I'm trying to pay off prior to taking any additional risk in the form of loans. I'm hoping to pay it off and then I'll be ready to take a "little" risk to acquire a second LTR property. STR/MTR is a consideration after the 2nd LTR. Ultimately, I'd like to have 3-5 paid for properties heading into retirement at 65. Should I adjust my goal? Is that to short a runway to acquire that number? Can it be done?
If I was your brother getting my REI portfolio started, is there any advice, strategies, links, literature, articles, or people to follow that you would recommend for someone extremely leery of financial risk? Is there a particular forum in BP that you would point me to?