I had a tenant text the other day that they paid a deposit and never got a deposit statement and they were trying to buy a house and that this needed to be settled in court. I saw this and was thinking you have to be kidding me but nope I am basically being threatened court over not providing a deposit statement on a forfeited deposit due to the lease being broken. In the decade that I have been managing my own rental property this is the ONLY tenant that I have had to evict. The tenant was a nightmare it was so bad that I hired a property management company to take over and deal with this idiot. I know the reason for the comment is they applied to try to get a preapproval to buy a house and got denied because of the outstanding judgement with me. Just for good measure I called the property management company and they did not get a forwarding address which I kind of figured as much, but they did tell me they do not do anything with deposits that is left up to the property owner. The property management company did say that the normal course would be that the evicted tenant would give them a forwarding address and that forwarding address would be provided to me to do deposit statement though.
I spoke with the attorney office that did the eviction they said just ignore the text because since the request was not made via certified mail it is not an official request anyway so it does not exactly count. They said that the tenant has 4 years from the time of eviction to make an official request for a deposit statement. This person was the biggest most difficult idiot to deal with imaginable I am tempted to have an attorney send a cease and desist notification to not contact me. I really can't stand this person.
Sorry for the background but is it even a thing to provide a deposit statement when the contract we were under was a standard TAR for Texas that states if there is a breach of contract the deposit is forfeited??? They were evicted for non-payment of rent.
I mean hell the contract clearly states what happened to their security deposit.