@Moriah Giles I am not an agent but my career is sales. Agree with the above if you can reach out to friends and family first to let them know. At the same time start creating 2-5 minute videos with free information on real estate. Release these around once or twice per week and keep it going. Try to change your scenery and not just have a white wall behind you. After months of doing this people will think of you first. As you meet people find them on social media immediately and build your following.
A mentor of mine once told me "not all readers are leaders but all leaders are readers." The idea being leaders are often on their own as you may feel now. If they don't know something they need to learn what they don't know or become a victim of their lack of knowledge. Fortunately thousands of people have faced the same problems you face and written good content to work through it. Here are a few favorites I recommend :
1) Starting with Why by Simon Sinek
2) How to win friends and influence people by Daryl Carnegie
3) Questions that Sell by Paul Cherry
I hated reading when I was told that but built a habit regardless, now I love it. FYI, Audible is awesome too so you can listen while you drive, walk or do daily chores instead of reading.