thank you @Brandon Turner, I've read the ultimate beginners guide and joined your podcast, it's a bit overwhelming, but I'm slowly making my way through it, I'll be taking a look at the links on real estate bold and the book on investing at a young age. It's perfect for where I am right now. Very much appreciated
Thank you @Nick Watkins, it's good to hear I'm not the only young investor starting out, I'd love to connect with you, to talk more, I'll shoot you a PM or and add you on LinkedIn if that's ok?
Thank you @Paul Timmins I've been hearing very good things about J Scotts book I'll get my hands on it asap. My mother is interested in HUD Homes as you mentioned.(I don't know much about them personally though) could you elaborate? Maybe in a PM if it is too much to post here.
Thank you @Claude Boiron, yes that sounds perfect. I really want to talk to someone local to give me an idea of what investing is like here in Toronto, before I sign up for any clubs. My mother and I are going to discuss some of the different things we'd like to talk about first then we'll give you a call, or we can hit up a timmies and chat over coffee. We are very new at this so sorry if we have a few newbie questions/mistakes. Could we exchange numbers in a PM?
Again thank you everyone for the responses!