Hear Hear Michael Quarles
Thank you everyone for your responses, they have been extremely helpful.
I spent part of the day trying to get to the bottom of this and didn't get to far. I don't believe there is joint tenancy but there seems to be some confusion in the O & E report. I'll try to explain.(This was my fist deal BTW so this is all new to me)
The oldest record on the report is a QCD from 1998 that shows the mother and brother as owners and they added the 2 sisters. This QCD shows joint tenancy. In Feb 2003 there is another QCD where everyone gives back ownership to the mother and 1 sister and there is no mention of JT. They then pulled a bunch of money out and there is a deed of trust from Feb 2003 that states there is JT. Then in March 2003 there is another QCD where the mother and sister add the other sister and brother back in, again no JT mentioned. This is the vesting deed. Then again in April 2003 they all pulled more money out and this deed of trust again says there is JT. In 2005 the mother died and a different brother (from Iowa) filed a death certificate and affidavit stating his mother was part owner in JT and he had no claim to the property. The mothers name is still on the deed although the sisters were named executers and said they filed some paperwork in Iowa.(not sure exactly what they filed)
So as I understand it , there is no JT because it isn't specifically mentioned on the vesting deed, and the deeds of trust carry no weight, but everyone seems to think there is JT. (as far as the family and the 2 banks are concerned)
I called the trustee and they said there is nothing they can do about the auction and that it is up to the bank. I've been trying to reach the law firm representing the bank for three days now with no luck.
I did talk with the 2 sisters today and as it turns out, the woman I thought was his daughter trying to get POA was actually his niece. He never married and has no kids. They also said as far as they knew the only debt he had was 2 credit cards totaling about $6200 and no will. I could easily pay these 2 cards and still make a good profit on the deal.
I know nothing about the probate process but I will contact an estate attorney tomorrow to see what I can find out.
Any additional advice would be greatly appreciated.