Thank you so much for the replies. I really appreciate the time and thought!
I will definitely pay for rental insurance. Thank you for the reminder to mention that.
I have no former landlords since acquiring Grace. My dog was a non-issue in Sweden and Germany and since I've been back in the US I have not rented. I didn't anticipate being in a situation where I'd find myself renting, so I'm finding this whole situation rather frustrating, but I definitely understand the landlord's perspective because I would not want my property damaged or disrespected either.
I have stayed with my parents since I've been back in the country. My mother has two 15 year old cats and a 65lb Goldendoodle herself and keeps a beautiful home. My mother has a high-end home in a wealthy part of town and she would have asked me to leave if my dog had done damage to her home or her things. Even though she's family, do you think a letter from Mom would have any sway? She offered to invite potential landlords to view her home as well.
The only other thing I could think of is to get referral letters from neighbors, all of whom adore Grace. I don't know if that would be impactful since the neighbors don't live with her. They can attest to her sweet nature and the fact that she's not a barker or a nuisance in any way.
Michael, I did think of offering to let the landlord(s) in to view the property while we're inhabiting the rental. I don't love that idea since it's a bit of an invasion, but I'm sure that I could live with it and consider myself lucky to do so. I imagine after a few visits that the visits would seem redundant...
I would also be more than willing to pay a higher deposit. How much do you think is reasonable? How high is enough to grab their attention? I sure do prefer to avoid non-refundable fees or monthly rent as I don't want to be nickeld & dimed continually when the dog simply will not be impacting the property. I understand it's a privilege to have a companion animal in a rental, but I'd like things to be fair to me financially since rental rates are already so high here, and also because I'm not overstating my case with this dog. In 8 years time, she's been a dream at every hotel, house, condo and room we've ever stayed in.
And, Aly, I'm waaaay on the other side of the country, but I'll keep you in mind if I decide to go sun-seeking :-)