Each property ideally has its own business bank account, as well as your master LLC.
Question, is the master LLC acting as the property manager for the other properties?
Changes some of my answer below, but here would be most of the types of transactions you would have in these accounts and between them.
Property transactions would be: all property specific rents and expenses, allocated expense transfer to the master LLC and transfers to master LLC bank account for profit AND/OR property management fee.
Master LLC transactions would be: Shared expenses going out, reimbursements/transfers from properties for their allocated share of those expenses coming in, the transfers from your properties deemed as profit AND/OR property management fee and then transfers to your personal accounts deemed as owner distributions.
Other transfers that could occur is if the master LLC needs to transfer to the properties for capital expenditures above and beyond the reserves you might leave in their accounts. Could also be transferred from your personal account to your property accounts as well.