Having stood in this courtyard when I first enquired, I was put off by the price, expecting something in the $89 - 99 range, since audio privacy seems an issue, to say the least. (In those terms, it seemed like the next best thing to tenting on the street. I checked today before writing my first note... still $125. I really don't want to listen to the tiny house courtyard neighbors as intimately as one would be forced to, especially on a warm night. (And, even Alberta's hippest hipsters get old at 4 am.)
While the place is hip, fun, comfortable and novel, and you can see that a lot has gone into creating it. It's also tightly clustered and cramped together. I quite love the tiny house movement and I might gladly pay near $100 at peak season for these where they stand, but not $125. The novelty may be worth that to many and, hopefully, they thrive on it. A luxe airstream retreat is a whole other animal, as is a tiny house retreat with some privacy; these are neither.