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Daniel Kidd

1.15% - The New 1% Rule

By Daniel Kidd, about 5 years ago with 0 comments

Look for all of your deals to be at least 1%+ Read More

Greg Helbeck

Happiness Not Being Contingent On Monetary Goals

By Greg Helbeck, about 5 years ago with 0 comments

This is a blog post about Happiness Not Being Contingent On Monetary Goals Read More

Danny Randazzo

3 Reasons Why Apartment Investing Builds Serious Wealth

By Danny Randazzo, about 5 years ago with 0 comments

3 reasons why apartment investing is a better strategy than the rest Read More

Jerene Makia

3 Strategies Every Wholesaler Should Master to Close More Deals

By Jerene Makia, about 5 years ago with 0 comments

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Scott Meyers

The Weekly “Dime”- How Can You Add Value to Your Self Storage Facility

By Scott Meyers, about 5 years ago with 0 comments

Check out the top ten ways that you can increase the value of your self storage facility. Read More

Renee Vitullo

How I Went from Advertising to Real Estate Investing

By Renee Vitullo, about 5 years ago with 0 comments

How did I go from a 20 year advertising career to being a full time Real Estate Investor? Read on! Read More

Nicola Boehle

Techniques of the fraudulent applicant: what to look for

By Nicola Boehle, about 5 years ago with 0 comments

These three things will help property operators catch fraudulent applicants and prevent them from moving in. Read More

Nathan Britten

Mother Nature and Deductibles

By Nathan Britten, about 5 years ago with 0 comments

As a landlord, these storms can be very impactful to your bottom line and it is important to understand how your properties are covered against these Read More

Brody Hough-Oakes

4 Lessons Learned from buying a HUD Home.

By Brody Hough-Oakes, about 5 years ago with 0 comments

BRRRR Method, Rehab Estimate, Initial Home Inspection. Read More

Rick Howell

Build Your Buyers List With These 5 Tips!

By Rick Howell, about 5 years ago with 0 comments

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Dan Sarao

Upfront Work For Building An Effective Real Estate Investing Website

By Dan Sarao, about 5 years ago with 0 comments

This article will help you think about some critical upfront questions you need to ask before you start to build any website. Read More

Corina Eufinger

Mixing It Up in Real Estate

By Corina Eufinger, about 5 years ago with 0 comments

I'm sick of my zebras. I need something else. Read More

Matthew Perry

Why IBuyers Do Not Scare Me

By Matthew Perry, about 5 years ago with 0 comments

Ibuying companies are willing to risk the loss on the buy side to grow the revenues on the sell side. Read More

Perry Farella

Renovating Chicago's Southside-One Home at a Time: 203k & HomeStyle

By Perry Farella, about 5 years ago with 0 comments

How to use FHA 203k , Fannie Mae HomeStyle and VA Renovation loans to get your first property or add more with rehab fully funded Read More

David Thompson

Apartment Investing – Resetting Investor Expectations but Delivering

By David Thompson, about 5 years ago with 0 comments

Resetting investor return expectations on apartment investing given their historical solid risk adjusted returns vs stocks. Read More