Sunday, September 24
When I first started investing people had a personal relationship with their bank managers, but things have changed significantly over the last few decades.Fact is when you go into a bank, you are on your own when it comes to your own financial interests. Everyone may be friendly and eager to hel...
Fifteen wealth myths that hold you back – Part Two
Saturday, July 22
Last week I explained how despite us living in a land of plenty, the sad reality is that the majority of Australians will never achieve financial freedom. On the other hand a small group of real estate investors becoming very wealthy in property.Today I continue exploring the common money myths t...
Fifteen wealth myths that hold you back – Part one
Saturday, July 22
Money doesn’t discriminate; it doesn’t care who you are or where you come from. No matter what you did yesterday, today begins anew and you have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else to become wealthy. Yet the sad reality is that the majority of Australians will never achieve financi...