Littleton HUD Homes
There are currently 2 available Littleton HUD Homes. We've included their information below.
Both of these HUD homes are exceptional deals for Littleton Homes. The home on Caley was just listed (that's why there is no picture) and bids are due now. If you want to have a chance at this one, give us a call and we'll get you in today.
As always, Littleton HUD Homes move fast and if you do want to bid on these, or any future HUD homes, you need to make sure you have everything ready. Give us a call and we can get you ready to bid on new HUD Homes the day they become available.
Home #1
HUD Owned Home
2257 w caley pl
littleton 80120
Beds: 2 Fin Sq Ft: 1550
Baths: 2 Year: 1967
# of Photos Avail: 0
V-tour Available: No
Home #2
HUD Owned Home
11162 w powers pl
littleton 80127
Beds: 2 Fin Sq Ft: 1548
Baths: 2 Year: 1980
# of Photos Avail: 1
V-tour Available: No