King Ranch Estates Thornton Home Sales Skyrocket
homes area is one of the most desirable - and popular - neighborhoods in Thornton. With homes priced from the mid $300's to the high $500's, it's one of the higher end communities for homeowners in the area, but it's location, and the quality of the homes, are worth the price.
Located almost equal distance from I-25, I-76 and E-470, this neighborhood makes commuting to anywhere in the Denver area very convenient. In addition, the neighborhood is close to several parks, a golf course and more.
Home sales in this area have exploded in over the past several years (see chart below). Some of this has to do with some of the new construction in the area, but much more has to do with the quality of both the neighborhood, and the homes themselves.
If you live in the area, and are have been thinking of selling, this may be the time you have been waiting for. Demand is high, and are popular. Give our team a call at 303-726-1874 to learn more.
King Ranch Estates Thornton Home Sales:
Based on information from Metrolist®, Inc. for the period 2009 through 20014. Note: This representation is based in whole or in part on content supplied by Metrolist®, Inc. Metrolist®, Inc. does not guarantee nor is it in any way responsible for its accuracy. Content maintained by Metrolist®, Inc. may not reflect all real estate activity in the market.