Lakewood Condos - Lakewood Foreclosure Deal
Thursday, February 24
Our team has been showing a bunch of homes in Lakewood over the past few months. This past few weeks, one of our clients has been focusing on Lakewood condos. That's why we were so excited when we saw this HUD home hit the market.It's a 2 bedroom, 3 bath townhome in Tall Pines Lakewood. This unit...
Colorado Foreclosures
Thursday, February 24
Those of us in the real estate industry have been watching this story develop. It will definitely impact Colorado Foreclosures, but will also have a major impact on the nationwide housing market.The core of these negotiations is whether the government can force banks to reduce the principal on mo...
Littleton HUD Homes
Tuesday, February 22
This week, our team has had 2 clients win bids on Littleton HUD homes. This is exciting for our clients and we're thrilled to help them in the process. However, we have also had a couple clients lose several HUD and foreclosure bids on homes over the past month. Here are a few tips to help you ma...
Littleton Foreclosures
Tuesday, February 22
Our team has been showing many Denver HUD homes over the past few months. This past week, we had a client looking at Littleton foreclosures. We placed a bid on the HUD home below on Friday and received word today that the bid was accepted!I want to use this opportunity to again educate buyers con...
City Park Denver Condos
Tuesday, February 22
Several of our team's agents are working with buyers looking at Denver condos. One of the top priorities in these buyers' searches is the desire to live near a park. The largest of the Denver area parks, City Park, offers plenty of activities for everyone: The Denver Zoo, City Park Golf Course, T...
Highlands Ranch Foreclosures
Monday, February 21
Our team is constantly monitoring Highlands Ranch Foreclosures. This unit has been on the market for a couple months, but we thought it worth mentioning again. I have never seen Highlands Ranch condos sell for this low of a price. Ever.This is a 1 besom unit in Sugarmill Condos Highlands Ranch. S...